
The problem is we are emitting 37 billion tons of CO2 every year...

Current solution such as Direct Air Capture still costs $1,000 per ton of CO2...

So theoretically, current solution will cost around $37 trillion every year, not to mention the additional energy and pollution it will create...

To put you in perspective, the US federal government debt was $36.2 trillion as of January 20, 2025.

Do you know how aragonite coral forms?

Polyps grow aragonite crystals to build coral's framework.

The aragonite deposits at the base of the coral.

When oceans become acidic, corals are harder to form because of the reduced availability of carbonate ions.

Just like our Mother Nature, Bluecaborn's Ocean Carbonate Stripping Technology removes carbon from the ocean to form calcium carbonate using our patented biodegradable polymer.    

Experimental Results







The experimental results at Hwang's lab supports the successful formation of calcium carbonate and reduction of the CO2 in sea water. 

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